April 27, 2015
Hosted at the Royal Society of Medicine in London, UK
The inagural launch of The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery was held in London on April 27, 2015 at the Royal Society of Medicine. The launch event focused on the presentation and discussion of the commission’s initial findings and recommendations.
Speaker, moderator, and panelist biographies can be found here.
Session I
Introductions and Welcome
Speaker – B Sethia and Richard Horton (video)
Global Surgery – facing the facts
Speaker – Andy Leather (powerpoint and video)
Session II
Health systems strengthening and surgery
Chair– Justine Davies
Speaker – Nobhojit Roy
Panelists – Lola Dare, David Watters, Ed Kelley, Mit Phillips (powerpoint and video)
Session III
Human resources for global surgery
Chair – Lars Hagander
Speaker – Emmanuel Ameh
Panelists – Martin Smith, Pankaj Jani, Wayne Morriss, Meena Cherian (powerpoint and video)
Summary of morning’s discussion
Speaker– Atul Gawande (video)
Commission Modeling
Nakul Raykar and Blake Alkire – Key Message 1 (powerpoint and video)
Thomas Weiser, Steve Bickler and John Rose – Key Message 2 (powerpoint and video)
Mark Shrime – Key Message 3 (powerpoint and video)
Stephane Verguet – Key Message 4 (powerpoint and video)
Session IV
Financing implications for global surgery
Chair– John Meara
Speaker– Gavin Yamey
Panelists– David Evans, Haile Debas, David Nicholson, Melanie Walker (powerpoint and video)
Session V
Information management and global surgery metrics
Chair– Andy Leather
Speaker– Russell Gruen
Panelists– Srinath Reddy, Steve Bickler, Emmanuel Makasa, Kelly McQueen (powerpoint and video)
Session VI
From commission to action: taking the results of the commission forward
Chair– Chris Lavy
Speaker– Atul Gawande
Panelists– Jaymie Henry, David Barash, Chris Whitty, Julian Gore-Booth, Robert Lane (video)
Summary and concluding remarks
Speaker– John Meara
(powerpoint and video)