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India Surgical Forum (March 2016)

On March 11, 2016, clinicians, industry leaders, government representatives, academics, and civil society members from India and across the world gathered at the World Health Organization and Lancet Commission on Global Surgery India Surgical Forum.

The meeting focused on the three issues – blood deficits, workforce challenges, and infrastructure needs and innovation – identified in the Karad Consensus Statement as key to ensuring universal access to surgical care. Distinguished panelists, pictured below/right/left, led lively discussion on the each of the topics.

In afternoon breakout sessions, delegates from each sector represented – government, academia & professional societies, industry & private hospitals, and civil society – deliberated on commitments each group would make toward resolving the issues discussed in the morning panels. Working groups will be formed to carry these commitments forward and drive India’s surgical planning process.









































India Launch

The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery launched its report, Global Surgery 2030, to an engaged crowd of rural practitioners from India and Nigeria at the Combined 23rd Annual Conference of the Association of Rural Surgeons of India (ARSI) and 6th Annual Conference of International Federation of Rural Surgeons (IFRS) in Karad, India.

In addition to informing the delegates about the Commission’s report, the launch was used to reach consensus on actionable next steps in improving surgical access for India’s poorest populations.  Lancet Commissioner and Health Delivery & Management Working Group Chair, Dr. Nobhojit Roy, led a writing team consisting of research fellows and associates at Harvard Medical School’s Program in Global Surgery and Social Change. The team interfaced with a group of twelve Indian rural surgeons to draft a consensus statement outlining nine actionable items in the areas of surgical infrastructure, workforce, and blood deficits in rural India. The draft consensus statement was presented at the conference for general feedback and input, and amassed 65 initial signatories. 

To see our newsletter article, please click here.



Karad Consensus Statement

The document has been circulated among professional clinical societies in India and now holds the support of over 100 diverse signatories.Following the India Launch, the draft consensus statement was refined with input from the November meeting and re-circulated among the Association of Rural Surgeons of India (ARSI) membership for approval. The final Karad Consensus Statement can be found here.


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